'Lanche Photos
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The Avalanche Bar from the Marquette Tribune.

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An Avalanche Bar patron (who shall remain anonymous at this time) and Ric Schramek the bartender
(Phil Bielefeld

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As the saying goes: "Get your degree at Marquette, but get your education at the 'Lanche."
(Loretta O'Boyle photo.)

The top photo of the 'Lanche is from the February 3 1998 Marquette Tribune.

The Mark Mathu Party Page thanks  for the middle photograph. 

If you have a favorite picture from the Avalanche Bar, e-mail me and I'll see what we can do about getting it on this page!

The bottom photograph was taken on May 19 1985. The happy would-be graduate is none other than Mark Mathu, your host of the Mark Mathu Party Page. That window was about the only one in the whole bar.

This is Chris Ruder's classic photo of the neon sign at the 'Lanche.  Check out his web page for more information on this photo, as well as other Marquette University photos!
(Chris Ruder photo.)


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Updated September 13, 2014
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